Alex is a skilled graphic designer and animator hailing from the Pueblo of Acoma, New Mexico. Currently, he holds the position of Media Specialist at the Pueblo of Santa Ana, where he utilizes his creative talents to design captivating visuals for community events and initiatives. With a degree in Graphic Design from Fort Lewis College, Alex combines his passion for design with a deep appreciation for representing the stories and culture of his indigenous community. His work showcases his expertise and commitment to making a positive impact through visual storytelling. Before joining the Pueblo of Santa Ana, Alex showcased his talent as a Graphic Artist at Deluxe Design. In this role, he was responsible for crafting eye-catching signage for both the local community and renowned music festivals across the nation. Some of the festivals where his work could have been seen included Lost Lands, Seven Peaks Festival, and NorthWest String Summit.
In 2016 Alex began to dabble in motion graphics – initially creating lyric videos for his friends and their music. He began posting his work to Youtube. As his videos gained popularity, Alex expanded his repertoire to include popular songs, attracting a wider audience on Youtube. It was a pivotal moment that propelled him towards his current success in the world of online content creation.
Growing up surrounded by the vibrant culture of Acoma, Alex’s childhood was infused with rich traditions and a deep appreciation for his heritage. Life on the reservation presented its challenges, but Alex’s resourcefulness and determination propelled him forward. This immersive environment has since played a significant role in shaping his animation journey, as he recognized the importance of representing the stories of his people through his creative work.
As Alex’s passion for animation grew, so did his curiosity for history and video games. These interests became intertwined, inspiring him to delve into captivating historical events and fuse them with his love for animation. Through his work, Alex seeks to not only entertain but also educate, using the power of storytelling to shed light on forgotten narratives and celebrate the resilience of people around the world.
With his unwavering dedication and the fusion of his cultural background, Alex continues to make strides in the world of animation. Hoping to leave an indelible mark on the industry.