
    The Native American Media Alliance provides a multi-faceted educational program for studios, networks, production companies, talent agencies and unions working in the Native space in order to promote an authentic voice in film, television and new media.

     The Native American Media Alliance is an intiative of the Barcid Foundation, a 501c3 Tax exempt non-profit organization based in Los Angeles. The Barcid Foundation was founded to foster understanding of the culture, traditions and issues of contemporary Native Americans. The foundation serves Native American content creators with professional development programs that include the Native American TV Writers Lab, the Native American Feature Film Writers Lab, the Native American Animation Lab, the Native American Showrunner Program, and the Native Youth Multimedia Workshop. The foundation also oversees an annual Native American film festival, the LA SKINS FEST, based in Los Angeles.  The Barcid Foundation’s goal is to utilize media as a tool for cultural, educational, technological and economic development.