Maya Rose Dittloff (ǔkkayǔ”kwīyinnimǎakii/Many Pipes Woman) is Mandan, Hidatsa, and Amskapi Pikuni (Blackfeet) from the Starr School region of the Blackfeet Nation. Maya is a member of the WGA and works as a writer, director, and producer across film and television. She was trained at UCLA in the School of Theater, Film and Television, and in 2019 served as a Fellow with the LA Skins Fest Feature Writing Lab. Most recently, she worked as a staff writer for AMC/AMC+.
Beyond filmmaking pursuits, she has long been involved both locally and nationally in Indigenous Rights activism. She has served as Ambassador to the American Indian College Fund, American Indian Business Leaders, and in January of 2019, Maya was formally recognized as the Emerging Leader with the Sovereign Bodies Institute, an organization dedicated to MMIW advocacy. Maya is currently a Founding Board Member for Young Entertainment Activists, a member of the Panavision + Made In Her Image inaugural Catalyst Cohort, and a LIFT Fellow with the Native Arts and Culture Foundation.