8 participants have been selected for the 3rd Annual Native American Animation Lab, a talent development program that aims to boost the careers of Native Americans in the field of animation. “We have a talented community in need of exposure, access, and opportunity. This endeavor gets more Native Americans in front of the right people who can develop their animation projects and build their animation careers.” stated Ian Skorodin (Choctaw), Director of Strategy for the Native American Media Alliance.
The participants will take part in a five day curriculum that will have them meeting with executives from the most high profile animation entities that include Comedy Central, MTV Entertainment Group, Sony Pictures Animation, Crunchyroll and many others. The lab will consist of daily workshops, seminars and one-on-one mentoring to help each participant initiate key relationships in the animation industry and develop a project for a pitch panel at the conclusion of the lab.
The five day total immersion lab will be mentored and guided by animation executive producers and showrunners. The mentors will provide additional guidance for the final project pitch at the end of the program. Each lab participant will pitch a panel of executives from our corporate supporters, receive feedback and gan additional insight.
The Native American Animation Lab was created to expand the amount of Native Americans working behind the camera, as a way to increase fair and accurate portrayals of Native Americans on television and film.
Meet the Fellows:
Hailey Bighorn (Assiniboine Sioux/Shoshone Paiute)
Nicole Emmons (Citizen Potawatomi Nation)
Sage Andrew Romero (Paiute/Taos Pueblo)
Delaena Uses Knife (Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe)